UPDATE: On the aftermath of the earthquake that hit Central Sulawesi, at 77 km from Palu City – Indonesia, the toll of casualty has risen to 384 dead, 540 injured, 29 missing. This is from the official statement at a press conference by BNPB Data and Information Center head Sutopo Purwo Nugroho earlier today (9/29/2018).
“It is estimated that the number of victims will continue to increase because the search process continues” said Sutopo. Injured victims of the disaster are being treated at hospitals in Palu: Woodward Hospital Palu, Palu Budi Agung Hospital, Palu Samaritan Hospital, Mamboro Undata Hospital Palu, Wirabuana Hospital.
Medical teams from the West Sulawesi and South Sulawesi Health Offices are also reported to be moving into Palu for urgent assistance.
Kondisi pasien dirawat di depan IGD Undata Palu pagi ini untuk mengantisipasi gempa susulan. Kemenkes bergerak ke Palu bersama tim medis Dinas Kesehatan Sulbar dan Sulsel. Stock buffer obat di Makasar dan Manado digeser ke Palu dan Donggala. pic.twitter.com/4fSiluqcTq
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) September 28, 2018
The earthquake occurred yesterday Sept 28 around local time 6:02pm. The 7.5 – 7.7 Magnitude epicentered in Central Sulawesi was strong enough to be felt as far as Samarinda on East Kalimantan and in Tawau, Malaysia.
A tsunami then followed hitting Talise Beach in Palu, west coast of Donggala, with heights of up to 3 meters. As a result of the earthquake and tsunami, many buildings were damaged. Blackouts occurred throughout the area and telecommunications went down.
Kondisi kerusakan di pesisir dan rumah sakit di Kota Palu. Jumlah korban terus bertambah. Evakuasi terus dilakukan. Potensi nasional digerakkan membantu penanganan darurat di Palu dan Donggala. pic.twitter.com/EsZG24DwOE
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) September 29, 2018
Detik-detik saat tsunami menerjang Pantai Palu pada 28/9/2018 sore pascagempa 7,7 SR mengguncang Donggala. Tinggi tsunami sekitar 3 meter. Permukiman di sekitar pantai hancur disapu tsunami. pic.twitter.com/GnxecozDKk
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) September 28, 2018